Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It is official, I have a snot monster and as hard as I seem to try, I cannot seem to kill the bastard. I thought that when I quit smoking, my allergies would get better, but oddly enough, they have gotten worse! I am starting to think that I have developed a tolerance for benadryl and if I don't stop sniffling and sneezing soon, I might just loose it. Of course the weather not being able to make up it's mind is not helping matters much. Yesterday it was in the low 70's and today it is in the 40's so it's probably a miracle that we don't all have walking pneumonia.



The Lady in Red said...

I hate mocos. They're so gross and unfriendly. I hope your snot monster vacates soon!

Eileen said...

I hate snot. A stuffy nose can seriously cause an emotional breakdown for me, on the right kind of day. I hope he hit the road.

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