Sunday, August 30, 2009

When did this happen?

At some point while I was not paying attention, I became a grown up. While this is a title that often makes me cringe, when I look in the mirror and survey the ever growing collection of pots, tubes and vessels of skin care products that occupy valuble real estate in my bathroom, it cannot be denied.

Last year would have been my 20 year high school reunion, however a little storm by the name of Ike saw to it that we pushed that date back a bit. So this year, I am lucky enough to process not only attending said reunion, but closing the year with a milestone birthday. Not so subtle life events of this nature in addition to a little health scare which gave me some time to lay about and think (never a good thing) ended up in me taking an inventory of my life and what things I should probably change. (Those of you who know me can stop laughing now. No really, I mean it.).

One think I decided to focus on is something that I have always struggled with and that is meal planning. Looking back, I think it was much easier back when my choices consisted of which generic Chef Boy R Dee option it was going to be. While I do love to cook, I have a couple of things that seem to work against me.
  1. I am married to a man with the palete of a 5 year old who likes sausage and who's favorite vegetable is a jalepeno.
  2. Niether of us like to eat breakfast in the morning
  3. We do not have kids.

That being said, for 12 years now, I have not had to be the kind of wife who plans meals and cooks dinner every night. It was not unusual for dinner to be cereal, a cheese plate or something just as minimal. Mostly however, it consisted of take out or delivery with the occasional sprinkle of cooking thrown in for good measure and to make sure all the appliances were still working and to justify the killer grill I just had to have.

So, this weekend marked the first time in years that we have not eaten out multiple times. I have spent a crazy amount of time in the grocery store and in the kitchen. I think I have a handle on all the meals for this week and I only had to make two trips. I have to tell you, it was HARD though and it felt foreign and almost uncomfortable. I do think that I can get past this though. It will be better at least that is what I am telling myself.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dear Diary....

I am not very good at this whole blog thing, however that does not stop me from giving it a good vent every now and again. It has been a while since my last update and there has been some interesting events in my little part of the martiniverse.

Quiet unexpectedly life took over the guidance system and made some unexpeted detours. All snark aside, life can come at you sideways when you least expect it, so never forget to appreciate the good things you have. If there is something in your life that is within your realm of control and you are unhappy with it, then by all means, pull up your big girl panties and deal with it. Take a deep breath and evaluate those things that are outside of your control and let go.

Get out there, get in it and enjoy yourself.

Peace, Love and Martini's.